Check or Change RTH Altitude value

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Check or Change RTH Altitude value

Post by Crystal006 » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:41 pm


I received my hubsan h501ss High Edition last week.

I am on these firmware versions:
H906A: V1.1.17
H501S: V2.1.50 V1.1.46

I live in France on the French Riviera and I want to check for safety, the altitude of RTH which is 20m, but I'm not sure of this information found on the internet, and change this value for 30m because in my area there are a lot of trees.

Second question:
Can you confirm that these software versions are the last for my drone and my radio control?

Please tell me how I can control this altitude value or change it.

Thank you for your answers and your help.

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